January 7, 2012

life goes on

in his tee <!--3 sometimes things that we don't want to happen will just happen suddenly,without you knowing it. forgive the one you love would makes you feels better sometimes , forgive and forget :)
always try your best to stand up when you fall and make sure you will be careful next time

thanks for those who cheered me up,thank to you cause you said those cruel words to me but you actually wake me up ! haha
I know there's nothing to sad for , but sometimes I just can't handle my emotions,I cried like a mad women cried like a crazy bitch and text people nonsense stuff ! so stupid -.-
thanks to you CJP , I learned a lot from this lesson,my mum's daughter had finally grown up !
not a good new year ,but promise I will be happy most of the time !*widesmile

if you really want someone ,go for it ,show her your love and your sincerity ,treat her nicely and give her the best ,goodluck!

learn to let go,learn to see the real side,learn to be independent and learn to be strong

07012012 finished 4 papers finally , 1 more to go and hello holiday !

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