November 3, 2010

sidafei pre-celebration

as what we've planned since weeks ago,lunch together w/mates.
today was our date.
I think they actually plan to surprise me,as you know the next next day is my big day .tsk tsk
they called and said not going maybe,and I was super angry .
woke up in the morning 7.30am in case you don't know ,mum dropped me at granny hse and wait until noon just to meet them up!
they said 'not coming maybe' , pissed off ! but they sent me a message 'later four of us going,3.30pm meet ,don't forget!'
but ended up with 8 person!
mood wasn't really good,I just simply wear a Puma tee ,shorts and a pair of Crocs.

ended up She Yin dressed up so different compare with how she used to wear before.nice try!
she looks good,my mum said so .haa

they gave me a card,
with lots of words,which made me tears drop like omgomg can't stop
I laughed ,cried so hard while reading what she wrote in the card! I likes!
birthday present!thanks all of you
YeeChern,ZhiYing,ZhiYen,SheYin,WaiYeon,WengKhai,YettJing,ShuTing,JiaLing,KokMeng !
I think that's all?:)
anyway,this might just a normal gift,
but I really didn't expect that they will buy me present .thanks once again
I think this is the first present I receive from friends don't buy me present
omg pathetic!hahaha
scallops scallops scallops!

November black plate dessert is love !

love both of the dessert!

*check out more photos inFB :D
once again,thank you my mates!uhm,I guess today's lunch was a bit pricey,but once in a while is okay right?HEEH!and really sorry for my wrong information <3


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