November 5, 2010

Seventeen,ain't legal yet

HI !
this post gonna be my last post before my test `I think so
promised that this week gonna be my last week for outings and all
so, I'll try to control myself for not being so `hong-shor :)

so I think I'm quite lucky cause you know I'm having holiday on my birthday,
celebrate Happy Diwali and Birthday at the same time
Indians booming non-stop the day before ,it's like counting down for me as well!

was searching for birthday cakes,ordered a pink polka dotted cake from BR but I canceled my order in the end due to some problem, s h i t!
then,went SR for cakes,great!they got no more cakes in the fridge
HD did the same thing to me as well ,but what to do since I didn't order it earlier

051110 Happy Diwali !

like again,mum wanted to go Queens because of GAP!
don't really like there,don't get why

got my haircut few days before ,super exp for me
worth or not worth? don't know .cause my friends said not much changes!
of course,because I trimmed it only
ask me about the price.shocked!

curled hair in the car! HEEH

J.Cool is a must

no more cheese flavor! ;/
off to my second home after got our stuff!
thanks mum :))

cam whore while sis trying her swimming costume
outfit of the day

Saree Queen competition ! congrats to the winner
I like those Chinese wearing Saree,they looks good

had our dinner at Manila Place :)
their food quite nice indeed!

loves the bun ,soft enough
sis's seafood marinara .Yumms!
mum's black pepper chicken
birthday girl Oriental chicken cutlet !
super crispy but a lil too oily for me!
and I like their side dish ,veges salad w/potato wedges
overall,I think that their food is worth with the price ,
I felt quite full after I finished my creamy mushrooms soup!
so,I left over one lovely pieces of crispy chicken cutlet
I want it back now cause I'm feeling hungry .HEEH

what face?!

huge paper bag with only this small stuff in it -.-
got my present but not the one I want!
out of stock why so unlucky ;/

after mum got her stuff and we off to uncle's house!
things happened like this ,..
they called and said uncle made new type of noodles
and ask us to go for a try!
since we couldn't back in time ,we went back around nine,.
so,I asked mum to bought me a cake and take it to uncle house
but,she ignored me and I 'm super angry
I want a cake on my birthday ,like every year -.-
some more,I bought myself candles and birthday hat before that

they failed for surprising me !
I saw them lighting up the candles while I asked them to open the door for me
and I was like
'omg super happy tears drop again! hahaha
aunt said :' yor ! so Lao Beh!why you cried? '

I think she is the one who organize this?right?

not to forget! Jo was there too :DD

don't have nice looking cake
but this one not bad too right?:)
at least I got it,thanks for the one who bought me this

lil chicky!

What vintage are you? Long Live Vintage
I simply love their stuff!

I'm seventeen now,not legal yet still .
I looks so much old! mum said so

thanks thanks thanks for the presents !
I got it most of em are skin care!


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