October 24, 2010

bestie seventeen surprise birthday

things goes like this ,..
we played truant since most of the form five Chinese students skipping on Friday so we just follow :)
as you know,Friday 22102010 as known as her birthday
so we plan to give her a surprise celebration like always
but I think this is quite failed!
so early in the morning ,went over to the library to do some revision,serious one okay
and I bumped onto ChloeOoi ! this called F-A-T-E
after 5 hours of study lol our stomach keep on making noise 'please feed me !'

we had KFC! yumyumm fattening uhuh!
the birthday girl ,chicken's lover!
she will never get enough of food ,she wants more!
my appetite is small,I don't eat much but then my body size is like g-i-a-n-t
thanks to her,she helps me to finish my food ! I like you HAA

so I said the plan is quite fail,I thinks she know we actually plan this before
but she said my acting skills is good enough ,she wasn't sure whether it's true or not when I'm actually lying her XD
but the another two of them .failed deep deep! HAHAAA
the birthday cake ,I got this small slice
couldn't manage to capture the whole cake

stupid game session LOL

I'm taller than you nehnehpupu

sooner or later,I'll get my tanned skin! for sure you will be very happy for this !
big fat tummy ~

the drinks which stole by 2 brainless guy .they drink my saliva.hahahahah

not my hand!

small eyes brainless guy


all the girls :DD

once again , Happy Sweet Seventeen to you SheYin aka Maria aka DaFei !
dafei gang forever :DD we will never slim down ;/

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